Friday, November 20, 2009

Camping at Loyd Park in Grand Prairie

After our last camping trip to AR where Henry screamed his head off for eight hours on the way home...Todd said he would no longer travel any farther than three hours with him. He said he would really prefer two, if we had to get in the car. So, I found this little park in the middle of Dallas that has cabins. Our boys love to "camp," so I knew they would want to this fall. We had to make the reservations months in advance, and we lucked out with gorgeous temperatures.

Our friends The Posts rented the cabin next to ours, and we so enjoyed hanging out with them.

Some of my memories from the trip:

*Our children still get up at the crack of dawn and they hit the floor running. They were up by 530am every morning and ready to go. Until they stop this, we really can't call any trip with them a "vacation."
*They had a great time exploring the grassy field and lake in front of our cabin.
*We were definitely out-camped by the people tent camping behind us. We had a hand-cranked lantern that barely worked and two or three measly flashlights. We could hardly see to cook at night or to make our plates. These people had lanterns, flashing XMas lights strung in the trees, music (tejano, polka, and country - still trying to figure that one), and TONS of people. It was pretty humbling, haha. We have a long way to go.
*I found toasted coconut covered marshmallows and also got Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate - these ingredients take smores to a new level.

some pictures:

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Roasting weenies and toasting marshmallows:

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Brie and crackers. Fancypants camping.

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Trying to see if the meat is done...

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