Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thinking Maps

At Leo's school this year, they are really emphasizing Thinking Maps. They teach the kids all different types of visual organizers that help them organize their thoughts as the prepare for a project. Leo's teacher said that she wondered at the beginning of the year how meaningful this would be for first graders, and she has been shocked at how well they have learned to utilize the maps.

So, below is Leo's thinking map that he made at school the Monday after Halloween weekend.

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Notice how sparse this is. Notice that he put "TV" on Saturday. Here is how mine would have been:

Friday: Took two children to the school carnival before Todd came home. Made two homemade pizzas for the family.

Saturday morning: hosted a halloween party in our home for the neighborhood children for two hours.

Saturday afternoon: collapsed for a nap

Saturday night: Attended neighborhood hot dog/dessert gathering. Took children to 1st Grade Teachers House. Came home and walked children up and down the street to trick-or-treat.

Sunday: Ran 13.1 miles.

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