Sunday, August 07, 2011

San Francisco Day 4

On Thursday, we slept in a little bit. Thursday-Saturday nights we would be staying at Betsy's new place b/c she was going to Louisiana for her little brother's wedding. So we had an easy morning, and then we rode the BART to Betsy's place.

We had a late brunch at a place called Olivia's in Betsy's neighborhood...

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Then we took the bus to a neighborhood called Potrero Hill. We instantly liked the look of Potrero Hill. Then as we walked up the street, I could tell Todd's ears were perking up....the people taking smoke breaks or walking to lunch around us were speaking his native tongue. Software people everywhere! We saw offices for Zynga and Twitter, and apparently there are many other software people around there.

We had to make a quick stop for a drink b/c I had a bathroom emergency. A little vacation reality there! :)

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At 1pm, we had an appointment to take a tour of The Anchor Brewery in Potrero Hill. Anchor Steam Beer is one of Todd's absolute favorites, so this was a "must do" on our trip. This was actually the first thing I booked for the trip - it books up months in advance! The first part of the tour involved the brewery itself. They brew and bottle every bottle of Anchor beer here! Pretty neat.

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Big flat tubs of beer where it gives off steam? Something like that. I missed the details here. But something about this part is how it gets its name.

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Hops. Sorry, bad phone picture.

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We were excited to hear that they used to make spirits, and that they will soon be making and distributing them again!

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The second part of the tour was a tasting where we got to sample six of their beers on tap. Our favorites were the Porter and the Brandywine Ale.

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We wandered about in Potrero Hill for a bit and looked at the neighborhood. We stopped in a Whole Foods and had some salted caramel gelato. Yum.

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We had planned to go to the CA Academy of Sciences Nightlife that night (translation: a science museum opens up at night for adults only and has beer and wine, live music, etc), but we decided we didn't want to go all the way across town....and we were ready for a night in in Betsy's cute house. So we bought some yummy stuff at Whole Foods to take home for the evening.

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This was my new beer discovery on this trip. We had it on tap at the Boudin Bakery on the wharf, and I loved it instantly! I'm not a huge beer drinker, but this IPA was delicious!

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And another vacation reality moment....when we went to get back on the bus in Potrero Hill, I couldn't find any of the bus stops that my phone was telling me should be there. All of the bus stops we had been at on previous days had had shelters or huge signs marking their locations. We would get to the intersections my app told me to go to...and there would be nothing. It took us about 30 minutes to figure out that the stops were marked with a yellow band of paint on a lightpole or street sign pole. By that point I was pretty flustered and just ready to be home! Once we figured that out, we were on a bus and on the way home, and I was a happy camper again....but so glad for a night in.

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