Tuesday, August 09, 2011

San Francisco Days 6 & 7

On Saturday morning, we slept in and then went to The Mission for a late brunch. Betsy told us several good restaurants, and we chose Pork Store Cafe. Todd noticed their cool lighting...

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We both had the Eggs in a Tasty Nest. It was DELICIOUS!

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After brunch, we wandered around The Mission for awhile, and then we walked to Market Street and rode the Muni to the Museum of Modern Art. We really do appreciate art....and this place had some great pieces....maybe it was the mimosa and bloody mary at breakfast....but we had THE MOST fun quietly making fun of some of this "art." I think they could make a mint if they offered a snarky audiotour making fun of some of this stuff. We're all standing around discussing some of this so seriously? Get real (on some of it, of course).

A black square.

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This one was called "newspaper." I'm sure there is super deep meaning that we are just too dumb and immature to get.

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A urinal. The guy bought it, signed it, and SOLD it to this place. I mean, come on. There was a tour guide by this one when we walked up asking her group what they could see in the urinal. She suggested that possible answers could be....The Madonna?....A cradle? I couldn't make this stuff up.

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I don't know the name of this one, so I'm going to call it "Test Area for Sherwin Williams Blue Sky."

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We made it through two floors of the MOMA and then decided to call it a day on "art." We wandered into Yerba Buena Gardens and listened to a live concert on the lawn. Fun!

My huge glasses that I bought on Alcatraz b/c I lost mine.

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We rode the BART back to Betsy's, and we wandered around in Glen Park, which is the neighborhood close to hers where we get off the BART. We found a cute map of SF in a gift shop that we bought as a souvenir - I'll post a picture when it is framed. When we got back to Betsy's, someone had left this beautiful couch on the corner. They should have given it an avant garde title and taken it down to the MOMA. Those people pay a fortune for this kind of stuff!

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This was parked (not very well) on Betsy's street. We were surprised at how many large vehicles we saw in the city. If I lived there, I would have the tiniest car that would carry my family.

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But I approved of this one. It gets a special pass b/c it is funky.

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On our last morning, we got our stuff all packed and straightened up Betsy's lovely house. Since she was so kind to offer us her place while she was out-of-town, we left her some tiny tokens of thanks. She has been making pizzas lately, but she needs a few of the tools. We got her a baking stone and a rolling pin. (I wanted to get a peel, Bets, but they didn't have any at Macy's. You'll have to hit BB&B)And I made her a pair of fingerless mittens to match the scarf I sent her for her b'day.

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Then we walked into Glen Park and had crepes and a latte. I had a florentine crepe. So good. And I loved the salad with breakfast - the dressing was amazing.

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After brunch, we got our suitcases, locked up, and headed to the BART station for the last time. What a wonderful trip! I had a great time with Toddly (of course, he's so much fun to be with. mmmmmmmmm.......MMMMMMMMM.....I LOVE THIS MAN.). AHEM, anyway. It was such a special way to mark 10 great years!

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Erin said...

It looks like you two had such a wonderful time. And I ooze jealousy as I think about the better weather.

Betsssssy said...

I love reading about you in my house! SO glad you had a good time.