Friday, December 08, 2006

just our latest happenings...

Thought that I should just type a little - instead of just adding pictures.

Leo is doing great. He absolutely loves school and keeping busy. He goes to preschool on T/Th mornings, MDO from 9-2 on Wed., and every other Thursday, he does a little gymnastics class at lunchtime. The gymnastics is probably his favorite. We are planning a birthday party at the gymnastics place for January, and he is very excited about that. He recognizes all the letters, and I have been practicing with him on sounding out words. Right now, I do most of the sounding out.

We are going to start a swimming class through the parks and rec in January. We used to swim together every Wed. afternoon at an indoor pool, but that just isn't feasible right now. He misses swimming, and I don't want him to forget all he has learned before next summer.

Henry is doing well. Just growing and growing. I have seen some very slight signs of reflux, so we went ahead and put him on Prevacid. We also tried soy, but that did not agree with him at all, so we're back to regular formula. He has a head full of hair, and loves to be in the swing. His absolute favorite place to be is on Mommy in the Moby Wrap. Wearing that wrap has probably been my absolute favorite part of these first few weeks. Not only is it a lifesaver - it's just such a wonderful feeling for him to be so close and content. He is sleeping pretty well at night. Last night he slept from 10pm-3:30am!!

The most challenging part of this so far for me has been dealing with all the logistics of getting us places. We just have more paraphernalia and there are lots more steps involved to getting anywhere. So far we have lost Leo's glasses and my cell phone. I had to replace the cell immediately, and I guess we'll be getting new glasses soon if they don't turn up. Also, on these frigid days, getting in to preschool has been miserable. The wind is blowing...trying to get Leo out and in his coat and then keep him out of oncoming traffic...get Henry in the wrap while he's arching his back b/c of the cold...getting the stroller out if I can't get him in the wrap...

We did away with the Graco baby seat. After having Leo in his Britax, I just couldn't go back to that thing! So we ordered him a new Britax Marathon in Luau print, which Leo informed me is "girly." :) But it is so much nicer and easier to get him into - now I just keep the Graco carrier in the back of the car for carrying him into places if I absolutely can't use the wrap.

Today is my birthday, so we are going out tonight. Leo is going to Sitters - hopefully they will be watching Cars! We are going to Ralph and Kacoo's for seafood - yum, yum. So far, Henry is such a good baby in restaurants. Just sits in his chair and sleeps while we eat. Quite a new experience for us!

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