Monday, March 05, 2007

Henry is 4 months old!

It's hard to believe that Henry is already four months old! It has flown by. We had his check-up, and he is doing great. He was 14#10oz, and he was short - I can't remember the length! We just can not believe that he is measuring short! haha. He is just happy as a little clam and such a trooper. He loves to laugh - I think his favorite thing is to look at himself and mommy in the mirror while I hold him. He gets dragged all over the world, but such is life when you're #2, I guess. He seems to take it in stride. He LOVES Leo, and the feeling is mutual, so it will be a miracle if he makes it in one piece to his first birthday. He can hold his head up pretty well now, and he is starting to reach out for toys. He can take his paci in and out of his mouth, which I'm not sure is a good thing!

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