Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Leo's Parent-Teacher Conference

This morning I went to Leo's parent-teacher conference at the lab preschool that he attends on T/Th mornings. I was really hoping to hear some good (ahem...believable) things about Leo. I say believable b/c I've done many of those conferences as a teacher, and I know you always start out positive, even if you have to make it up!

It seems like every time I've picked him up from an activity for the last two weeks (except for swimming), I've gotten a story about how he is rambunctious, busy, not on-task, etc. So I was looking for some positives about my little guy.

And I got them! She said he is doing very well, and he is very advanced in his vocabulary and thought processes from all the reading we do at home. She said that at the first of the year, she thought that Leo was just too active to listen...but that she has learned that he is processing every word she says even though he might be spinning on his head. He has gotten much better at sitting in circle time, and his favorite center time is math. He knows all his letters, sounds, and colors, and she thinks he is ready to read whenever he makes the connection. we talked about his plans for next year since he will be going to a school with a longer day, and she stressed that he must be continually challenged to keep him on-task.

I asked her if she had any concerns about his maturity level in relation to other children his age, and she looked at me like I was crazy and said "not at all." I asked if she had any concerns that he would not be ready for K in the fall of 2008 since I have no reservations about holding him back if needed, and she said she had absolutely no concerns about that. She said that he is rambunctious and busy, but not any more so than any little boy his age.

So...yay for good parent/teacher conferences!!

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