Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Swimming, Napping, and Skeeters am a Hummin'

We are in the second week of our two week swim class. Leo is doing well, but I'll be glad when it is over. It's at a great time - right in the middle of the day between naps - but it just makes us have to be somewhere for thirty minutes right in the middle of the day. Except for one day where he didn't like diving off the board, Leo is doing really well. He is learning to pick up his head and take a breath as he swims, tread water, and dive in from the side. Expect a video soon!

In Henry news, we are finally finding a schedule! He takes either a very early and midmorning nap or just one long midmorning nap, and he is also taking a consistent afternoon nap with Leo. You know what that means - we're ALL getting a nap! Happy boys...and a happy mommy! He is eating us out of house and home. By this point, I really think Leo was eating every 4 or 5 hours. Not Henry. He still wants to eat a 6-8oz bottle every three hours during the day. He's doing well on solids - as long as they have something sweet in them. I think he's got a sweet tooth! He still won't eat anything green, but he loves meat mixed with fruit or sweet potatoes, and he can polish of a jar of prunes like you wouldn't believe!

The mosquitoes are eating us alive. After several dry years, we have had lots of rain. And now we have huge mosquitoes that have been lying dormant...waiting to hatch...for two years. They are hungry and aggressive! I have about twelve bites and Leo has about six. Todd has several too, so we are slathering on the Benadryl cream and taking the liquid to get to sleep at night. I feel like I'm in LA again! When I run in the morning, I can hear the buzzing all around me. Thank goodness for OFF! Whatever the bad side effects of DEET are - we'll take our chances!

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