Friday, August 10, 2007

Chair Changes!

What an exciting life I lead! Blogging about chairs. I finally got around to recovering our nasty kitchen chairs. Here is a before...


And here is an after! We have two of each fabric. PLUS they are each covered with clear vinyl. So...spill things on them, wipe your grimy hands on them after you eat spaghetti-o's, grind your playdoh into them...NO WORRIES!!


Next, I have finally had enough of my hate/hate relationship with this awful monstrosity. It is a b*tch to clean - and that is a nice way to say it. So I kicked it to the curb! I'm so glad to be rid of it. I had taken the upholstery off long ago, but it still had nooks and crannies that I could never get all the crumbs and chunks out of. YUCKY!!! for the replacement! I think I am in love. It is just solid molded plastic...very easy to wipe weighs next to nothing...and it disassembles in seconds to fit in the trunk. There was a tray for $5 more, but I thought...why don't I just wipe up his mess on THE TABLE when I wipe up Leo's mess on THE TABLE?!? It is the best $20 I have spent in a long time.

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