Wednesday, February 06, 2008

"I don't close my eyes"

For at least a year, Leo has insisted that he doesn't ever close his eyes after we put him to bed at night. I'm tempted to believe him, since he gets up at 5:30 every morning.

So, one night this week, he was up playing with Legos at 2am and 4am. Full lights and music on. Since I've had this nasty virus, Todd dealt with it.

The next day...

Me: Leo, were you up playing with Legos in your room last night?
Leo: Yes, I was making a surprise for you.
Me: Why were you up when you should be sleeping?
Leo: Mommy, you know I never close my eyes.
Me: Leo, you NEVER sleep?
Leo: Well, there was that one time when Papa was bringing me back from Louisiana when I fell asleep in the car. But I never close my eyes in my bed.

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