Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A little update

We've had quite an adventure this week! And it's only Wednesday!

Todd came home sick on Friday night, so I sent him to the Minute Clinic for a flu test. It was negative, so he's just been dealing with a nasty virus. We ended up with FIVE house showings on Saturday, so we had to be out of the house from 11-5. We went out to lunch, and then Todd took Leo to the movies while I walked the mall with Henry. Leo did great at the movies, and Henry was a real trooper about being in the stroller so long.

Sunday was uneventful except for one last-minute showing where we hurriedly put away the lunch I was preparing, and then we jumped in the car and sat down the street. The people drove up, never got out of the car, and then drove away. I'm assuming they didn't like the powerlines behind the house.

Monday, Todd came home with pinkeye. I have drops left over from Henry's last bout of pinkeye, so he started taking those. Leo's eyes have been flaring up in the afternoon from allergies, so I called the ped. on Tuesday morning to request a prescription for allergy eyedrops. Todd stayed home from work on Tuesday since he had to be on the drops 24 hours before he wasn't contagious anymore.

Then, mid-Tuesday morning, I started noticing that HENRY'S EYE had a pink swollen streak underneath it. I thought maybe I had scratched him while washing his face that morning. Or I thought maybe I had been staring at sick eyes for so long that I was losing it completely!!! But then it got redder and puffier and much more, I called the ped. AGAIN and talked to the nurse. They were very concerned and made us a quick appointment. Turns out his sinus infection has moved into the sinus cavities around his eye, and now it is turning into Cellulitis! EEEEEEK! Don't google this!!! So he got a shot of antibiotic in each leg, and we went home with a stronger oral antibiotic. We watched him very carefully overnight for any fever of 101 or any more swelling of the eye. He looks maybe a tad better today, but definitely not worse. So I think we dodged a bullet. There was talk of IV Antibiotics if there was any worsening. Cellulitis is scary!

So Henry is napping this morning, and I am doing my daily ritual of picking up and cleaning every surface. Huh - guess this is how neat people live every day! lol. I'm going to call in a minute to make reservations for the boys to go to childcare Sat. night so Todd and I can go out to dinner to celebrate our seventh anniversary! No calls to see the house M or T, so maybe today!

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