Friday, August 29, 2008

Report on The First Week

It was a success! Leo seems to have done great - he is happy to go, happy when I pick him up, and he has gotten a sticker everyday on his behavior chart. He discovered that there is a "restaurant" in the cafeteria, so we let him buy his lunch today (Friday), and he thought that was such a treat. He did a full day M and Tu, but they got out early for assessment appointment on W, Th, and F. Everyone (mainly mommy) is excited for next week when full days really start.

Henry has turned into a nightmare almost-2-year-old. I am not kidding - he is a screaming mess. I'm hoping it's just teething for 2-yr-molars and that it will pass, but I'm not holding my breath. Anytime we cross him on anything...or anytime he's just bored...he screams and whines and carries on until we are all reduced to quivering idiots. I honestly cannot think straight when it happens. I overtipped at the kiddie haircut place today and got lost on the way home b/c he threw a tantrum over a bubble wand. I took him to library story time on Wednesday, and it was deja vu. Climbed all over me, ran up and down the amphitheater seating, went boneless and tried to get away from me during the actual reading of the stories...yep, pretty much the same as I remember it with Leo. At least we weren't asked to leave this time. But, once again, at the end I feel like I have been run over by several Mac trucks. There was a mom in front of me with two kids - a boy and a girl - and she (Mom) was sleeping through it while her kids watched. What do these moms know that I don't? Benadryl - I think that's what they know. Anyway, I'm calling an end to library story time. I give up. It will cool off soon and I can take him to the park. This morning I took him to an indoor climbing and jumping place for kids and we had a marvelous time. So we're going to stick to those kinds of "freedom of expression" activities.

In other news, Henry will start MDO on Tuesday, and you might be able to hear me cheering from Texas if you listen closely.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I am cracking up reading this. I'm sure it's not funny for you, but I feel your pain. Mine is almost 4 and we're dealing with the same thing. I've given up too....he now attends two different preschools 5 days a week. I'm glad Leo had a good week! Avery is having a hard time being quite. She wants to talk to everyone.