Friday, October 10, 2008

An example of "Why Holly must be proactive about keeping her sanity:" the car...

Leo: Mommy, is it Chewable Motrin or Chewable Motion?
Me: It's "Chewable Motrin."
Leo: Oh, ok. Chewable Motrin.
(should have stopped here. But, noooooooo, I want to be SuperMommy.)
Me: Leo, do you know what motion means?
Leo: No.
Me: It's when something has movement. It's not standing still. (I demonstrate with my hand) When something moves, it is in motion.
Leo: OK. (thinks) Well, what stands still?
Me: Something like a statue. It never moves.
Leo: Well, why would you want to do that? (he's anxious now)
Me: (starting to regret it) I don't know. Sometimes you just need to be still.
Leo: Well, what medicine does that? Why would you want to take that? (very anxious)
Me: No, no. Chewable Motrin has nothing to do with motion. Motrin is medicine and motion is something that is moving.
Leo: Why would you want to be a statue? I don't want to be a statue.
Me: Ok, nevermind, let's talk about something else.
Leo: But I don't want to be a statue. Don't make me take that!!!
Me: OK, we won't take that medicine.
Long pause...
Leo: Do you take that medicine when you want to lie on the couch and watch tv.
Me: Yes, Leo, you do.
Leo: Or maybe at night in your bed.
Me: Yes, that's when you take that medicine.

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