Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hope it's not a bellwether!

Sorry I have been so long without a post. We have had a ROUGH START to 2009.

The week after Christmas, Henry had a stomach virus. Or as he calls it..."I had a Big Burp in the bed."
The next week, Leo had "a big burp in the bed."
Few days later, Henry had a virus that consisted of high fever and a wheezing cough. Hello, Nebulizer!
Few days guessed it! Leo had the fever/wheezing virus. We were in Lubbock for this one. He ended up with an ear infection from this ordeal.

I thought...surely we are done. Nope.
Last Friday night, Henry had another "big burp in the bed." Followed by 5 days of problems at the other end.
Wednesday, Leo woke up in the wee hours telling us his stomach hurt. No big surprise. He caught Henry's bug. He threw up all day. The next day, he was still very weak and nauseous and running a high fever. About 9:30, he was moaning sadly about his stomach and he just didn't look right. So I started talking to him, and he WASN'T MAKING SENSE! Couldn't tell me my name or whose house we were at! So, we flew to Plano to the dr's...many tests later....

WE HAVE THE FLU! Type A, to be exact. And, yes, we were all vaccinated! I'm telling you, it really laid Leo low. We had to fight him to keep him hydrated, he could hardly walk...good times! We had about 3 very rough days, and I thought we would either see improvement today or be hospitalized b/c I just couldn't get enough fluid in him. He would say so pitifully..."Mommy, I'm so thirsty but I just don't want to put it in my mouth." :( :(

But, lo and behold, he came down the stairs this morning by himself - first time in several days. We were very relieved. We have had a much better day, and he and daddy even went outside for a bit.

I seem to have caught a touch of it, but we are all on antiviral drugs, so I think that has saved me.

We had temps in the high 60s today, so I threw all the windows open. I hope all the sickies fled our house and only good things entered! Surely we have some happy, healthy days coming our way! And some sleep. Man, we have been short on sleep for the last four weeks.

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