Friday, March 06, 2009

Friday Gallimaufry

Let's see...what has happened this week...

*Henry has discovered the Mr. Rogers CD in my car, and it is his new favorite. He likes "Some are Fancy on the Outside..." and "Be Brave, and then Be Strong...Be Brave, you won't go wro-o-ong!" I did little hand movements with them the first time we listened (he was screaming and I was trying to distract him), so now I have to do them every.time!

*Todd's company had a meeting to let them know that business has really picked up - lots of banks are hiring them to monitor mortgages and try to help people not default. They said they are having to turn people away and they're going to hire people - good news!

*Todd has lost a total of 26 lbs since the middle of December!!! He is proud that he can now run 50 minutes without stopping.

*Leo's ear hurt in the night a couple of nights, and then he came home from school yesterday at noon with a stomachache. I took him in, and he has a sinus infection and a double ear infection. The illness train continues, but this one isn't too bad.

*Henry and I went to the zoo on Tuesday. Turns out this was TAKS test day, so lots of schools were there. Over 3000 kids. Oof. But the first hour, we had it all to ourselves and even got to watch a zookeeper feed some birds...she talked to us all about each one...pretty neat. Wednesday, we met Miss Allie and "baby" Luke at the Arboretum. The weather was gorgeous, and they enjoyed exploring some little houses they have set up. Will post pictures later. We ate a lovely lunch on the patio in the middle of the gorgeous arboretum. It's a hard life!

*Henry went back to school for the first time in two weeks on Thursday. We've kept him out even though he's been healthy most of that time - trying to let him get completely well...give his little immunity system time to recover. He was there 3 hours b/c I had to pick him up early to get Leo to the I predict he'll be sick by Sunday. And what did I do with my 3 hours I had alone? Cleaned toilets, of course!

*We have a fun weekend planned - we'll see if it all actually happens. We're going to have store-bought pizza tonight (gasp!). Going to try a new take-and-bake place called Papa Murphy's. Tomorrow we're planning to go to a family event at a sculpture museum down in Dallas and take a picnic. Todd and I have a date Saturday night to celebrate our 8th anniversary. A babysitter from the neighborhood is coming. Sunday afternoon, I might take Leo to see an IMAX about the ocean - they are studying the ocean at school. We'll see how exhausted I am. I am planning minimal cooking so I won't be so tired from that!

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