Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Break Schedule

That's right. We have to have a schedule. There are no breaks around here. Lag time = drive mommy crazy time. Leo has no school, and Henry has no Mother's Day Out. So here is our schedule for the week. I will update with the outcome of these adventures later.

Mon: Run 4 miles before kids are up. Leo goes to TaeKwonDo Camp from 9-3. Papa (my dad) comes in some time around 11am. I will go to the store to get groceries for the week after he gets here. WalMart, SuperTarget, and Costco. I'll pick Leo up at 3. At 3:30, Leo and I are going with our neighbors (another kindergartener and his mom) to The Great Wolf Lodge. It is literally down the street from our house. We'll be spending the night in a room with two beds and bunk beds for the boys - fun! Papa and Todd will stay here with Henry overnight. Pulling frozen mini meatloves out of the freezer for the men. Give Papa instructions on baking potatoes and making steamed broccoli.

Tue: More fun at Great Wolf Lodge. I'm predicting that we'll come home around noon. Put Carla's Famous Spaghetti Sauce in the slowcooker when I get home at noon. Papa goes home during the afternoon. I have Bunco that night.

Wed: Run 3 miles before kids are up. TaeKwonDo Camp for Leo. Put chicken in marinade that morning. Grill them that afternoon. Make wraps for dinner that night and zoo the next day. I have a 30 minute medical massage scheduled for 6:30pm after Todd is home - to work on my upper back. Gosh - wonder whatever could cause my back to be a solid knot?

Thur: Core workout OR Yoga before kids are up. Pack lunches for the zoo - I'm in charge of grown-up food, Allie does kid food. Meet at zoo at 10am. When we get home, make, make tuna for dinner while Henry naps. Mom's Night Out that night with Carla and Allie. WOOHOO!!!! We'll be missing our neighborhood "date night" for this, but time with Carla and Allie is priceless.

Fri: Run 3 miles before kids are up. TaeKwonDo Camp for Leo. Probably going to the store for weekend food on this day. Will meal plan sometime before this. Surely we'll have pizza night on Friday.

Sat: Run long run in the AM. Probably 8 miles. Go to Carla and Bob's to make garden boxes for the yard. YAY! So excited about this! Planning to do some hardy roses, herbs, peppers, etc...

Sun: Church. Birthday party at 11:30 for Seth. Leo has been asking about him CONSTANTLY, so we are happy to get to see him. Afternoon....gosh, I don't know??? Laundry, I'm sure. Maybe Mommy will take a nap.

Monday: Normal schedule resumes. Praise God.

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