Monday, August 31, 2009

Shell stress disorder...etc?

This morning at about 2am, I woke up b/c Todd was making jerky movements and covering his head with his hands.

Todd: What was that?
Me: Huh? What?
Todd: They're throwing things at us.
Me: Who?
Todd: The boys. They're throwing something at us.
Me: You're having a nightmare.

Yeah, I think that pretty much sums up a weekend at our house and what it can do to one's mental state!

Oh, and Henry locked himself in the bathroom last night and then had a big poop. It took us 35+ minutes to get him out, so he had a bad diaper rash. Someone pointed out the irony of getting a diaper rash while IN THE BATHROOM. haha. Needless to say, we are taking locks off of as many doors as possible.

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