Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I must remember to be literal

This morning we were on our way to preschool, and we were stopped at an intersection. There were two men there working on the lights, so they had the big box open next to the sidewalk. Henry noticed, of course.

Henry: What are those mans doing?
Me: They're working on the electrical system that makes the lights run.
Henry: Lights don't have knees.
Henry: Lights don't have knees. They don't have knees. Mommy, lights don't have knees.
Me: I'm sorry, you're right. I meant that the men are making the lights work.
Henry: Lights don't have toes. Lights don't have toes. Lights don't have toes. Lights don't have toes.
Me: Yes, you're right. I'm sorry. Lights don't run.
Henry: Lights don't have feet. Lights don't have feet. Feet. Feet. Lights don't have feet, Mommy.
Me: Yes, you're right. Lights don't have feet.
Henry: Lights don't have legs. No legs. Lights don't have any legs. No legs. Lights don't have legs.
Me: Yes, yes, you're right. Lights don't have legs. They can't run.
Henry: Lights don't run, Mommy.
Me: Yep! Time for preschool! Have a good day! (I'm going home to enjoy the silence! Yippee!!!)

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