Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Tomorrow is Leo's last day of first grade

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It is the first of June, and it is already hot and miserable here in Texas. Our thermometer said 100 in the shade yesterday afternoon.

Tomorrow is Leo's last day of first grade. We have a busy summer planned. They are going to Brooksie and Papa's several times, we're all going to Lubbock for the 4th, VBS, summer camps for both of them in July, and I have lots of ideas for little field trips. We've got memberships to two zoos, the science museum, a waterpark, and the Dallas World Aquarium. Also, we have a reading list and math homework for the summer from Leo's teacher...addition and subtraction flash cards, telling time, counting money, and recognizing how many things are in a group without counting on his fingers, etc. Also, he is supposed to write in a journal every day.

Plus I'll have to keep the house clean, laundry done, cabinets full, and meals prepped.

I'm a little overwhelmed by the thought of these three months, but I'm sure it will work out fine.

1 comment:

Erin said...

yea for Leo wrapping up first grade. I have some homework planned for Jillian this summer. She likes doing it and it will keep her brain from becoming mush.