Friday, July 09, 2010


Recently, I was listening to an interview with an oncologist on NPR while I was running. They were talking about the different ways people cope spiritually with a cancer diagnosis, and the doctor said that anytime someone has to be hypervigilant about something in their life, it is very hard on them physically.

I almost had to stop running and raise my hands like a Pentecostal in response to this statement. I feel like I am ALWAYS on alert, and I never, ever know when an emergency is going to pop up. And as a result, I sometimes feel like adrenaline is just going to overwhelm me...especially when I sit down at night or try to go to sleep.

So, here is my example...Leo and his friend from down the street were building a fort in our living room with blankets and dining room chairs. I was in the kitchen. I heard no bang, no crying....nothing. But I keep hearing the other little boys say something about "your head"....over and over. This is what I walked in to see.

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(If you can't tell, he has a goose egg between his eyes.

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Allie said...

I think we need a vacation my friend!;)

Betsssssy said...

Wow. How many days until school? Ouch.

And I want to go on the vacation too.