Sunday, November 14, 2010

"You're hungry, Leo? Follow me."

Tonight, I was a little late getting dinner cooked. I have a memory of seeing Henry go into the garage at some point....and I said, what are you doing?.....and he said "I'm hungry"....and I told him to come on out of there, that I was working as fast as I could.

A little later, Leo came through and said loudly (of course, how else does he speak?)..."Dinner, dinner, dinner, food, food, food." And I heard Henry say quietly, "You're hungry, Leo? Follow me." Well, Leo didn't follow him, but that caught my attention. So I followed. And he walks out to a ziploc full of animal crackers that was left over from a huge bag I bought at Costco. The bag is already open, and he just reaches in and snags himself a few.

Leo is so huge and loud and constantly demanding attention. This little guy is going to fly under the radar and get away with everything.

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