Thursday, October 13, 2011


I do not remember Leo having obsessions with things like Henry does. Perhaps he did and I have forgotten.

Henry's current obsession is The Wizard of Oz. This then breaks out into an obsession with tornadoes and bicycles (remember....Elmira Gulch the Witch rides the bike???). And Henry is obsessed with riding his bike, so those fit together. Also, we had to get in the closet in the spring b/c of the tornadoes, so that fits together as well. This all started when he watched The Wizard of Oz at the beach at the end of Aug.

We talk about it constantly. Why don't the animals have names? What is courage? Why can a tornado blow away a house made of bricks (he's seen this on tv) but not Dorothy's wooden house? (He means the house blows....but doesn't fall apart) Why is Kansas black and white? and on and on and on. All very legitimate questions. He asks the same ones over and over and over and over.

He has found Wizard of Oz music boxes online at San Francisco Music Box company and wants to watch them OVER AND OVER AND OVER. Which would be fine, but he needs constant help with the music b/c it downloads and then pops up in Windows Media Player.

We have watched The Making of The Wizard of Oz and casting tapes and everything else about it available on YouTube. We have watched clips of Wicked, and he wants to see that play. We have watched some high school productions on YouTube.

We have watched The Muppets Wizard of Oz and Veggie Tales Wizard of Ha's. He has recently learned about Tom and Jerry and the Wizard of Oz. I found it at the library, but we are third in line for it. He worries me constantly about when it will be ready....and when it IS ready for us, someone might steal it before we get there. He has driven me so nuts about it this afternoon that I started desperately searching for alternatives. Available at The Mighty Netflix by DVD.....BUT we only have streaming. Stupid Netflix.....doubled their prices. But, ONCE AGAIN, Family Video has saved my skin. They currently have it on hold for me at the front. And THE MINUTE Leo walks through the door after school chorale practice, we are leaving to go get it. Henry is standing right here by my chair...worrying me to death that someone will go to the video store and say they are "Holly" and get it before we get there.

HEAVEN HELP ME!!!!!!!! Or maybe I should put on my Ruby slippers and click three times!

1 comment:

JCastille said...

At least it is a classic and not something like Spongebob. You can take a road trip to a small Kansas town and see the yellow brick road and her house. I am not kidding I have seen it because there is nothing else to see in Kansas.