Thursday, May 24, 2012

Final Day of Preschool EVER


Today was Henry's last day of preschool! Ever! I got a little choked up when we said bye to the teachers....we have been going there for four years, after all. BUT, I have a lovely, hot, long summer stretching before me with two boys who get up at 530, so it doesn't really seem like I'm sending him out into the big bad cold dangerous world quite yet.

They had water day today (big blow-up bounce houses), and he was so excited.

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I am sure that other mommies stayed and took their pictures and savored every last moment of this. In fact I know they did, b/c they were there....all sweaty and worn out....when I returned at 2:01. You know me - I just couldn't stand the emotion. ;) To escape this amazing moment, I met my long-time mommy friends in Plano and had lunch on a lovely patio. And I got there a little early, so I killed some time in Nordstrom Rack. It is just what I HAD TO DO to get through the amazing significance of this monumental day.

Did you know that they have these amazing little handheld dealies at N'Strom now where they can just check you out right in the middle of the store??? Hand them items....hand them a card....they give them back to you in a bag and email you the receipt! Now THAT is monumental.

Ahem. Anyway....

With the lovely Carla and Allie. Counseling for the price of lunch. It's a good deal.

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I can't find H's official first day of preschool picture, but here he is that Fall....b/c when Leo started K, Henry started 1 yr old preschool. Sniff.

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1 comment:

Erin said...

It just seems like yesterday that I was at the beach and got an email that said, "Look who we saw today" (or something of that nature). Doesn't seem quite possible that he is ready to be off to kindergarten. Congratulations to Henry!