Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Wild animal heaven (by Leo)

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We thought that this Squirrel feeder would be A good idea. About a month ago,Our grand mother gave Henry a bird feeder that he saw at Lowe's ( That he was literally BEGGING to get) for his birthday. We filled it up with bird feed and hung it in the side yard. It was going fine until the squirrel discovered it. We didn't like the squirrels on it, because they ate like a quarter of the bird feed at a time. so while i was at school, mom and Henry went to Lowe's and baught A little half-dome that hangs over the bid feeder and stops the squirrel from getting the feed. but then the squirrel started eating the feed that the birds dropped on the ground. that really annoyed us, to. so, we went to Lowe's and baught this squirrel feeder. the good thing was that the feeder came with food. we hope that the squirrel will eat this instead of the bird feed.

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While we were at Lowe's, Henry saw this bird bath. you hang it from a tree, and the birds can have a bath. So we said " eh, why not?" and baught it.

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This is what they looked like when we were done. The squirrel feeder, the bird feeder, and the bird bath. This is Animal heaven.

1 comment:

Betsssssy said...

This is so good! You may have the next Michael Crichton on your hands. I can just hear his little voice reading it. Adorable!