Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Leo's Last Day of Kindergarten

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*Leo has really grown up this year. He has done very well in Kindergarten - very few discipline problems at all. One very unfortunate biting incident, though.

*Leo's reading has really grown exponentially. There isn't much he can't read. He still loves to be read to at night - usually Daddy reads the goodnight books.

*One of my sweetest memories of Leo from this year is watching him walk home after school every day. Since our house is right behind the school, I usually go out into the alley to meet him b/c Henry is still asleep. I see him come around the front of the school and head my way...and most of the time, he is skipping. It is just the sweetest most innocent thing in the world. So wonderful to watch him so happy everyday.

*Leo got wonderful reports from his Kindergarten teacher and others at school. Great marks on his report card, etc.

*Leo's favorite friend in Kindergarten this year was Nathan.

*Leo is still somewhat of a picky eater. He usually takes a turkey sandwich or grilled chicken strips for lunch. Some of his side choices are pretzels, mandarin oranges, cheese stick, animal crackers, jello, rice, and plain pasta.

*Leo always writes that his favorite family activity is "going camping," so we are going to try to continue that as much as possible. By "going camping," he means...staying in a cabin.

*Leo is still saying a /w/ sound sometimes for the /l/ sound. I will have his speech evaluated soon if this doesn't develop correctly.

*Leo loves his brother. Henry can talk so well at 2.5...they can play pretty well together. They also fight a lot!

*I can now take Leo to the grocery or for a quick run to the store without worrying that it will be a nightmare. This is a definite sign of some maturation!

*Leo can swim ok, but he will be taking swim lessons this summer to become a stronger swimmer.

1 comment:

Erin said...

It is hard to believe Leo is finished with kindergarten. That means Jillian is about to start. Are we getting old?