Monday, July 06, 2009

Drinking before noon

(Sorry I have been MIA. I have developed a serious obsession with crochet lately, and I'm a bit overwhelmed at the number of pictures that have backed up on my camera card. One day soon I will sit down and get caught up.)

I must preface this post by saying that Henry seems to have inherited the wonderful Brooks memory - he remembers the most minute details of insignificant outings from a year ago.

This morning, I took Henry to drop-in care so I could go grocery shopping alone. Leo is at daycamp. Shopping with Henry has turned into pure torture, and this keeps me from feeling suicidal (or homicidal) by the end of the trip. We eat out about once a week, and other than that...I prepare or assemble everyone's meals. It is a lot of shopping that usually involves a couple of stops since I get the basics at Wal-Mart and then get produce or specialty items at another store.

At my last stop, I grabbed a glass bottle of green tea out of the cooler by the checkout b/c I was terribly thirsty. So when I went to get Henry, it was in the console between the front seats. Of course, he immediately spotted it - children seem to have some sort of supernatural sense for when new food or drink has wandered into their gravitational sphere. He started having a big screaming meltdown to drink out of the glass bottle.

I told him, "This is a GROWN-UP drink, Henry!" - kidspeak at our house for beer or wine. He immediately calmed down and said..."OOOOOOH, it's a grownup drink" and was perfectly satisfied. "I'll have a gatoraide when we get home," he said.

I know he will remember this and one day realize that mommy was drinking at the grocery store. Which might not be a bad idea, on the days I have to take him with me!!!

1 comment:

Mama said...

LOL!!! LOL!!!