Thursday, January 07, 2010

All the news that's fit to print...

Here is just a smattering of info from our house...

*Henry is potty-training. He has been telling us that he didn't want to wear underwear...but on Sunday I convinced him to just try them on. He is doing well with one is Thursday, and we haven't had any wet accidents since Monday morning. The other...well, we're still working on that! But he got to stand on the stage today at school during chapel and the director told everyone that Henry was wearing "big boy pants" - that's good stuff. I think they should announce who is wearing big boy pants at every church service.

*Leo is doing great with his speech. I was very concerned about the fact that he was saying "Weo" for his name and "Wobster" and "Nafan." In other words, saying a "w" for "L", and "f" for "th." We had an evaluation and initial speech session with a professor and grad students at UNT, and we came home with homework to do. The plan was to do therapy on a regular basis if it's not better in six months. But it seems like just pointing out this issue and making him aware of it helped exponentially.

*The week after Christmas, my 12+ yr old washer and dryer started really having problems. The dryer makes an ear piercing squeal, and I have to hold the washer knob through the first part of the cycle. So, we did all our research on Consumer Reports and then measured our space. Anyway...I'll spare you the boring details...we had a new set delivered today. I haven't had time to read the manuals yet. They are "High Efficiency," so I have to read a little. Also, the dryer has steam, which is apparently the newest gimmick.

*Our house is 20+ years old, and the master shower is pretty shabby. It is the old shiny tile, and the grout is now falling out. Now we've discovered that we have some water damage to a wall b/c water is leaking. I found a great FEMALE contractor recommended by two neighbors, and I'm loving working with her. They are starting the demolition tomorrow. We will rebuild the whole shower, and also add some of the tile around the tub to tie it together. This is the tile we've chosen. Small tiles for the floor, ceiling, and accent. Then the big tiles will be most of the walls.

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*After school today, Leo was reading me a book aloud about whales. It said that whales drank their mother's milk just like human babies. So we had to have a big talk about it worked...Leo had lots of questions. When we got finished, he thought and said..."So you have ducks living inside your breasts?" Me: No, DUCTS. Then 15 minutes of talk about what a duct is.

*Late this afternoon, I had to take Leo (Henry also, of course) to the ped for his second h1n1 shot. (kids have to have two.) We were late getting home. My cell phone rang, and it was Todd...being his wonderful self. Checking on me and asking what he could do before I got home. When I hung up, I said...
Me: Do you know you have a wonderful daddy?
Leo: Yeah, cause he does stuff like pay the bills on time?
Me: Because he's kind and gentle. Much kinder and gentler than Mommy.
Leo: Yeah, cause you're like... HENRY, STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!!! (yelling loudly) And Daddy is like...Now, Henry, it's time to stop doing that and calm down.
Me: Well, I do the best I can, Leo.
Leo: Yeah, I know.
Me: sigh.

*Look what Todd got in the mail last week. We get this stuff all the time. He's turning 40 this year...I guess it's time...

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