Sunday, March 21, 2010

"Prominent Forehead...Prone to Injury"

Last month, Henry fell off a stool one night and conked his head on the concrete floor. I took him to an after-hours pediatrics place to make sure he didn't have a concussion. He was fine, but the doc noted that he had several healing bruises on his ginormous forehead. She diagnosed his condition as..."Prominent forehead...prone to injury."

Fast forward to today. It has been a cold, miserable, cooped-up weekend, and today we had an inch+ of snow. Todd was running in the local park, and I was home with the boys. I had just sent an email to girlfriends, part of which said...I have taken away almost all electronics. Easier than figuring out whose turn it is. Eventually I'm hoping they'll clue in...."He won't give it to me" = mommy takes it away. Leo was ice skating in his socks on the concrete this morning, and H wanted socks on. Todd said no b/c he might fall. I had to give him a reality check on that. It's not that slick and I think he'll survive. You can see the energy radiating from them in wavy lines. (for the record, what happens next DID NOT happen while "ice skating." It was on the carpet.)

So I'm taking a break from laundry folding and standing at the laptop. They are playing. I hear the loudest SMACK and then screaming. Leo's eyes are as big as saucers, and Henry is holding his head. I grab him into my lap, and when he moves his hand, blood is gushing. I send Leo next door to see if the nurse is home and start trying to clean it to see the damage...which is not high on Henry's priority list. No nurse at home next door. So I decide to take a pic to send to other experienced Mommys. I thought we needed stitches...but this is my first experience with this (I know...can you believe it took this long?)...and I didn't want to overreact.

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So I got us all dressed and loaded in the car. I put dry clothes in the car for Todd, and we went over to the park to find him. I had to go to four different parking lots until I found him, but there he was. I was so happy to see him! I asked him what he thought when he saw me standing there in the parking lot, and he said..."I didn't know what to think." Love him - never panics...never thinks the worst. So he changed his clothes in the park bathroom and we were off to the ER.

4+ hours later, we had him stitched up. It wasn't too bad. They had to restrain him, but he didn't get to that "panicked" level of crying. Todd took Leo out to the waiting room while I stayed with him. They told us we could all go out if we wanted to - that really keeps bothering me. Who would leave a baby all alone while being stitched up? He cried "Mommy" the whole time. :(

But, anyway, he seems no worse for the wear. They say the stitches will be ready to come out before the end of the week. Wow, what a day! We ate at Whataburger (hanging head in shame) at 2pm and then came home and all went to bed for a nap.

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1 comment:

Carla said...

I can't believe you had your wits about you enough to remember dry/warm clothes for Todd! I love the big smile on his face in the last picture. Does he get to wear bandaides?