Sunday, April 29, 2007

Henry is 6 months old!

It's hard to believe Henry is already six months old! He is such a fun baby, and we are enjoying every minute of his first year. We went to the doctor for his checkup, and he weighed in at 17.5 pounds! He has started solid foods, but he has much stronger preferences than Leo displayed at this age. He is NOT interested in rice or oatmeal cereal in any form, and he has turned up his nose at peas and avocado. He will eat applesauce, peaches, pears, and bananas though...maybe he has a sweet tooth! I gave him a biter biscuit on Friday, but he is pretty unimpressed with those. He is very close to being able to sit up on his own - I'll have some professional pictures made when he hits that milestone.

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