Sunday, April 29, 2007

Our Little Container Garden

Even though I am still bitter about all my tomatoes that burned up last year and my morning glories that didn't grow, I decided to give it one more try. This year, we are doing herbs and a few veggies in containers on the patio. The containers and the layout aren't very pretty, but we're hoping for a great crop of jalapeƱos, bell peppers, maybe a tomato or two, and lots of basil, rosemary, parsley, and thyme.

We are hoping to have blue Morning Glories and Cypress Vine growing in the two containers on the left, and I have my fingers crossed that maybe some Moonflowers will come up in the third container. Last time I did Moonflowers, they didn't even sprout. Maybe this is my year. We can see this fence from our living room window, and when the Morning Glories do well, it's so much fun to look at them all summer. Leo helped me with planting the seeds.

Henry supervised from the patio.

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