Tuesday, December 23, 2008

This man that I love...

he does the funniest things! He doesn't like sweets very much...but his oatmeal was just too bland. So he put Tobasco on it! Mmmmmm....Mmmmm!

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This weekend, our remote garage door opener (the one I keep in my car) quit working. We have a joke around here that Todd always says..."It won't work." whenever we have a home fix-it project. He's not exactly the most positive or optimistic when it comes to handyman stuff. Anyway, I happened to have a new opener that I bought back when we bought the house, and he looked it over and said in a surprised voice..."Hey, I think this might work!" To which I said..."Wow! You mean we won't have to stop using the garage forever? What a glorious way for this tragedy to end!"

So, he fixed it in about five minutes (faint!) and showed me that it worked. I had the new opener in my hand, and I was gesturing around with it and saying how this was the easiest and most pleasant home fix-it thing we had ever done...and the opener came flying out of my hand, landed on the concrete, and split into four pieces.

And, Todd...wonderful Todd...started laughing. He is so good-natured! I love living with him!!! And he picked it up and put it back together, and all was right with the world.

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